Arch Iran Med. 2021;24(4): 296-300. doi: 10.34172/aim.2021.41

Original Article

Incidentally Detected Gastrointestinal Wall Thickness on Abdominal Computed Tomography; What Does it Mean for Endoscopy?

Erkan Somuncu 1 * , Ümmihan Topal 2, Süleyman Sönmez 2, Yasin Kara 1, Emre Bozdağ 1, Adem Özcan 1, Ceren Başaran 1, Cenk Özkan 1, Yunus Emre Tatlıdil 1, Mustafa Uygar Kalaycı 1

Cited by CrossRef: 0

1- Idrees Z, Khan H, Khan U. Endoscopic Significance of Incidental Upper Gastrointestinal Wall Thickness Detected on Computed Tomography Scans. 2024; [Crossref]

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A Monthly Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Published by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the I.R. Iran; Indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, EMBASE, SCOPUS, CINHAL, PASCAL, CSA, SID, ISSN: Print 1029-2977, Online 1735-3947.The impact factor of Archives of Iranian Medicine according to Journal Citation Reports® (JCR®) 2016 is 1.20.