Arch Iran Med. 2012;15(4): 0.
PMID: 22424043
Scopus ID: 84862246095
  Abstract View: 2255
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Original Article

Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Combined use of Medpor Graft and Irradiated Homograft Rib Cartilage in Saddle Nose Deformity

Ebrahim Razmpa, Babak Saedi*, Farshid Mahbobi
*Corresponding Author: Email: saedi@tums.ac.ir


BACKGROUND: We used the irradiated homograft rib cartilage as an augmentation tip support and Medpore alloplast for reconstruction of the dorsum in patients with saddle nose deformities. Thereafter, the safety and efficiency of this method was evaluated to determine if this can be a safe and efficient technique for patients with saddle nose deformities.
METHODS: A total of 32 patients who suffered from saddle nose deformities due to past trauma or aggressive rhinoplasty underwent reconstruction using the Medpor prosthesis for dorsum reconstruction and irradiated rib cartilage as acolumellar strut during the same technique. After at least one year follow up, patients’ satisfaction and their aesthetic indexes were evaluated and compared with preoperative results.
RESULTS: More than 84% of patients were satisfied from the results of the surgery and only one patient had a complication of the infection which resulted in removal of the prosthesis. There were statistically significant differences between most of the pre- and postoperative aesthetic indexes.
CONCLUSION: Despite the superiority of autogenous material in nose reconstruction, lack of such materials in revision rhinoplasty cases present challenges to surgeons. This study proposes the safety and efficiency of the Medpor alloplast for reconstruction of the dorsum and irradiated rib cartilage for the tip, at least for a short period of time.

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ePublished: 01 Apr 2012
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