Arch Iran Med. 26(4):186-197. doi: 10.34172/aim.2023.29

Original Article

Emerging Epidemiological Data on Rare Intellectual Disability Syndromes from Analyzing the Data of a Large Iranian Cohort

Farzane Zare Ashrafi Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing – original draft, 1, # ORCID logo
Tara Akhtarkhavari Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing – original draft, 1, # ORCID logo
Zohreh Fattahi Writing – review & editing, 1
Maryam Asadnezhad Investigation, 1
Maryam Beheshtian Formal analysis, 1
Sanaz Arzhangi Resources, 1
Hossein Najmabadi Conceptualization, Visualization, Writing – review & editing, 1
Kimia Kahrizi Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – review & editing, 1, * ORCID logo

Author information:
1Genetics Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran

*Corresponding Author: Kimia Kahrizi, Email: kahrizi@yahoo.com
#These authors contributed equally to the work as first authors.



Intellectual disability (ID) is a genetically heterogeneous condition, and so far, 1679 human genes have been identified for this phenotype. Countries with a high rate of parental consanguinity, such as Iran, provide an excellent opportunity to identify the remaining novel ID genes, especially those with an autosomal recessive (AR) mode of inheritance. This study aimed to investigate the most prevalent ID genes identified via next-generation sequencing (NGS) in a large ID cohort at the Genetics Research Center (GRC) of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences.


First, we surveyed the epidemiological data of 619 of 1295 families in our ID cohort, who referred to the Genetics Research Center from all over the country between 2004 and 2021 for genetic investigation via the NGS pipeline. We then compared our data with those of several prominent studies conducted in consanguineous countries. Data analysis, including cohort data extraction, categorization, and comparison, was performed using the R program version 4.1.2.


We categorized the most common ID genes that were mutated in more than two families into 17 categories. The most common syndromic ID in our cohort was AP4 deficiency syndrome, and the most common non-syndromic autosomal recessive intellectual disability (ARID) gene was ASPM. We identified two unrelated families for the 36 ID genes. We found 14 genes in common between our cohort and the Arab and Pakistani groups, of which three genes (AP4M1, AP4S1, and ADGRG1) were repeated more than once.


To date, there has been no comprehensive targeted NGS platform for the detection of ID genes in our country. Due to the large sample size of our study, our data may provide the initial step toward designing an indigenously targeted NGS platform for the diagnosis of ID, especially common ARID in our population.

Keywords: Consanguinity, Epidemiology, Intellectual disability, Iran, Rare diseases

Copyright and License Information

© 2023 The Author(s).
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Cite this article as: Zare Ashrafi F, Akhtarkhavari T, Fattahi Z, Asadnezhad M, Beheshtian M, Arzhangi S, et al. Emerging epidemiological data on rare intellectual disability syndromes from analyzing the data of a large iranian cohort. Arch Iran Med. 2023;26(4):186-197. doi: 10.34172/aim.2023.29


Intellectual disability (ID) is a frequent neurodevelopmental disorder diagnosed with cognitive and adaptive deficits before the age of 18 years.1 ID is estimated to affect 1%–3% of the global population. It can manifest as an isolated clinical manifestation or as a syndromic phenotype, as well as other physical and mental abnormalities such as behavioral problems. Based on etiology, ID can happen due to both genetic factors and pre-and post-natal environmental factors.2 Genetic factors contribute to a significant number of ID cases, and studies show that the most severe and profound ID patients are affected by monogenic disorders.2,3 Based on SysNDD (a database that contains a catalogue of published genes implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders; last update: 6/25/2022), out of 1679 genes involved in ID, 982 show an autosomal recessive (AR) mode of inheritance, 527 exhibit autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance, 154 genes show X-linked inheritance, and others are involved in ID through mitochondrial inheritance and somatic mutations.4 Prior to the advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS), the diagnosis of monogenic ID was not sufficiently fast and efficient. However, with the introduction of this technology, the identification of disease-causing variants in monogenic cases of ID has improved drastically.5 Moreover, epidemiological studies of ID in inbred countries can provide reliable data about the most prevalent ID genes or gene groups. As shown in SysNDD, autosomal recessive intellectual disability (ARID) is one of the important forms of monogenic IDs. This form of ID is a clinically and genetically extremely heterogeneous condition and has major contribution to the etiology of ID.6 It is estimated that in outbred countries, ARID accounts for about 10% of all diagnosed ID cases and contributes to 15–20% of all undiagnosed patients.6,7 At the same time, in countries with a high rate of parental consanguinity, the incidence of ARID shows a three-to four-fold increase, and rare ARIDs are more common among these populations.1,6 Although a large number of ARID genes have been identified, the abundance of these genes remains unrecognized, and there is no extensive targeted NGS platform for diagnosing ARIDs with a high confidence rate.6 Countries with a high rate of parental consanguinity provide an excellent opportunity for identification of the remaining novel genes involved in ARIDs. Since Iran is a Middle Eastern country with a parental consanguinity rate of approximately 40%, it provides a suitable population reservoir for the epidemiological study of IDs, especially ARIDs.1 The main goal of this study was to investigate the prevalence of genes identified using NGS in a large ID cohort at the Genetics Research Center of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences. To the best of our knowledge, there is no comprehensive targeted NGS platform to detect ID genes in our country; therefore, considering the large sample size of this cohort, the present study may be the first step towards the design of an NGS platform for the diagnosis of ID in our country. We also compared the results of our study with those of several similar studies from other groups in consanguineous families originating from the Middle East to investigate overlapping gene defects with neighboring countries.

Materials and Methods

The epidemiological data obtained for this study were extracted from unpublished data and articles previously published by our research team.1,8-10 In order to develop the cohort, we established a genetic counseling network from all 31 provinces of Iran to include all ethnic groups in our country. Iranian families were referred by physicians or clinical geneticists from all over the country.11 The above-mentioned cohort consisted of a total of 1295 Iranian families who were referred to the Genetics Research Center of the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences (Iran) between 2004 and 2021 to identify genetic causes of ID. We performed total population sampling on our Iranian ID cohort. We defined the exclusion criteria as follows: families with chromosomal abnormalities, families with Fragile X syndrome, and inconsistent families. In 2011, our team studied 136 consanguineous families and applied homozygosity mapping, exon enrichment and targeted next generation sequencing.9 In another study, we performed whole-genome sequencing and/or whole exome-sequencing on 404 consanguineous families;1 it should be mentioned that these families also included undiagnosed families from our previous study. In 2019, we applied whole exome-sequencing to 100 sporadic ID cases.8 We also added ID families from the unpublished data. In total, we had 619 Iranian families with ID with definitive diagnoses of the genetic causes of this disorder. To identify the most prevalent genes in our cohort, data extraction was performed using the R program version 4.1.2.

We also compared the most prevalent genes with multiple papers that published their ID cohorts. Since Iran has a high consanguinity rate, we chose papers from countries with high rates of consanguinity. These include papers from Pakistan and the Arabs of West Asia and North Africa.12-18 Table S1 lists the genes used for the comparison. In the comparison of genes among the three groups, the following items were excluded.

  1. Families with copy number variations

  2. Families with multiple candidate genes

  3. Samples that were investigated by a method other than NGS

We should mention that in this study, we did not have any information about ethnicity groups in other ID cohort papers, so we could not compare our data of ethnicity groups with the same ethnicity in neighboring countries.


Out of 619 of the 1295 families in our ID cohort, we found 56 families that were reported twice in our cohort (56 families with mutations in 36 genes) and 65 families with a gene that was reported at least three times within the cohort (65 families with mutations in 17 genes). Based on the function of the genes, we categorized our most common genes, as depicted in Figure 1, and the number of families with mutations in each category is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 1.

The Most Commonly Reported Genes or Gene Groups in our Cohort.

Figure 2.

Number of Families with the Most Common Mutated Genes or Gene Groups in Our Cohort.

Further detailed data regarding the putative function of each gene in the pathogenesis of ID and related phenotypes of each gene/gene group are presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Furthermore, for multiple genes, we found two unrelated affected families, as listed in Table 3.

Table 1. Functions of the Genes and their Associated Phenotypes
Category Function of the Genes and Implicated Phenotypes
Adaptor-related protein complex 4 (AP4) The AP4 complex is one of the five members of the Adapter Protein family, which is involved in the post-Golgi pathways in transporting cargo from the trans-Golgi to endosomes and autophagosomal structures.19 This complex consists of four subunits, encoded by AP4B1, AP4E1, AP4M1, and AP4S1. The AP4 complex could be involved in the transportation of various cargoes, including low-density lipoprotein receptor, amyloid precursor protein, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors, ATG9A, and δ2 glutamate receptors.20 All which are essential for the proper functioning of the brain.21-26
Mutations in AP4 complex genes cause AP4 deficiency syndrome, which is characterized by intellectual disability, spastic tetraplegia, developmental delay, speech disorder, microcephaly, and inability to walk.19
Abnormal spindle-like, microcephaly-associated; ASPM ASPM encodes ASPM, a protein localized at the centrosome of apical neural progenitor cells that is involved in mitotic spindle orientation during embryonic neurogenesis27 and is important for the correct proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells during brain development.28 Mutations inthis gene cause autosomal recessive primary microcephaly 5, characterized by ID, microcephaly, sloping forehead, hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, simplified gyral pattern, and speech problems.29,30
WD repeat-containing protein 62; WDR62 WDR62 is involved in spindle dynamics and organization, and is important for the proliferation of neural stem cells.31,32
Mutations in this gene cause autosomal recessive primary microcephaly 2, with or without cortical malformations. These patients show microcephaly, cortical malformations, developmental delays, and seizures.33
Cys2His2 zinc finger (C2H2-ZNF); ZNF335, ZNF526, ZNF804A C2H2 zinc-finger proteins are the largest family of human TFs. They play a critical role in the transcriptional regulation of neural stem cells that rise to neurons and glial cells; therefore, proper function of these TFs is crucial for normal brain development.34
Exosome complex (EXOSC); EXOSC2, EXOSC3, EXOSC5 The EXOSC gene family includes genes responsible for the formation of the RNA-exosome complex. This complex is vital to RNA processing. It consists of ten conserved subunits, including EXOSC1-3 as non-catalytic cap components, EXOSC4-9 as a non-catalytic core, and DIS3 with both exoribonuclease and endonuclease activity.35-37 Studies on zebrafish have suggested that loss of EXOSC2 would lead to reduced small size; loss of spinal motor neurons and disturbance in EXOSC3 would result in reduced brain size and defects in the development of spinal motor neurons and the cerebellum.38,39 Loss of function of EXOSC5 in zebrafish causes reduced head and eye size as well as edema.40
General transcription factor IID complex subunits (TAF); TAF1, TAF2, TAF6 General TFIID is essential for the transcription initiation of RNA polymerase II. TFIID is a complex consisting of a TBP and 13 conserved factors called TAFs.41,42 TAF1 encodes the largest subunit of TFIID, and is involved in early brain development. RT-PCR studies on cells harboring loss of TAF1 showed changes in gene expression of neuronal ion channels.43 TAF2 acts as a stabilizer in binding TFIID to the core promoter.44 TAF6 encodes part of the core of the TFIID complex, and defective TAF6 can alter the assembly of TFIID.45
Vacuolar Protein Sorting 13 Homolog B; VPS13B This gene encodes a protein that is important for non-vesicular lipid transport through intracellular membrane contact sites, and disorganizations in lipid constituents of organelle membranes would cause neurological disorders.46 Studies on flies also showed that VPS13B is necessary for the homeostasis of brain proteins.47
Mutations in this gene would result in a well-characterized disorder, Cohen syndrome, with common clinical features, including ID, developmental delay, microcephaly, eye problems, and facial characteristics.48
Steroid 5-alpha reductase family (SRD5A); SRD5A3 This gene encodes an enzyme called steroid 5a-reductase type 3, which is vital for N-glycosylation in the endoplasmic reticulum and has a crucial role in catalyzing the conversion of polyprenol to dolichol.49,50
Mutation in this gene causes Kahrizi syndrome with ID, cataracts, coloboma, kyphosis, and coarse facial features in our cohort.51
La Ribonucleoprotein 7 transcriptional regulator; LARP7 This gene encodes a transcriptional regulator protein that acts by binding to 7SK RNA and acts as an inhibitor of transcription by RNA polymerase II.52 Knockdown experiments on rats showed that inhibition of LARP7 could inhibit protein synthesis and reduce ribosomes in hippocampal neurons.53 Mutations in this gene cause LARP7 deficiency, characterized by ID, developmental delay, skeletal anomalies, and behavioral problems.54
Calpains (CAPN); CAPN10, CAPN9 Calpains are a highly conserved group of calcium-dependent cysteine proteases that regulate synaptic plasticity and programmed neuronal death.55,56 They are essential for early embryo development through nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB) and Wingless-related integration site (Wnt) pathways.57
tRNA methyltransferases (TRMT); TRMT1, TRMT10A Both genes encode tRNA methyltransferases that are involved in various cellular functions. Studies have shown that TRMT10A is highly expressed in the embryonic and fetal brain58 and defective TRMT1 can enhance redox homeostasis. As a result, neural stem cells deteriorate due to higher sensitivity to reactive oxygen species and perturb normal neurogenesis.59
DEAD-box helicases (DDX); DDX3X, DDX50 The DEAD-box helicase family is a large family of ATP-dependent RNA helicases with a highly conserved Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp [D-E-A-D] motif that is involved in RNA metabolism.60 Studies have shown that alterations in DDX3X would lead to perturbation of RNA metabolism and alter the development of the brain cortical region.61
Kinesins (KIF); KIF7, KIF11, KIF4A Kinesins are evolutionarily conserved motor proteins, important for the development of the brain and nervous system. They are involved in various biological functions, including cell division and intracellular trafficking.62
L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase; L2HGDH This gene provides L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase, a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the conversion of L-2-hydroxyglutarate to 2-ketoglutarate.63 Studies in mice have shown that a defective form of L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase leads to white matter abnormalities, neuroinflammation, improper neurogenesis of the hippocampal region, and neurodegeneration.64 Mutations in this gene cause L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria, characterized by ID, cerebellar ataxia, epilepsy, speech problems, and an increased amount of L-2-hydroxyglutaric acid in urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid.63
Lines Homolog 1; LINS1 Mutations in LINS1 deteriorate the proper function of the WNT signaling pathway, which is involved in the development of the central nervous system and affects cell fate determination in neuronal progenitor cells, neuronal migration and polarization, and synaptogenesis.65,66 Mutations in LINS1 lead to intellectual developmental disorder, autosomal recessive 27.
Transmembrane Protein 67; TMEM67 TMEM67 encodes Meckelin, a transmembrane protein involved in cerebellar development that controls the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway.67 During development and differentiation, Meckelin can act as a WNT receptor and is also involved in centrosome migration during ciliogenesis and primary cilium formation.68 Mutations in TMEM67 can cause a variety of ciliopathies, including Meckel syndrome, Joubert syndrome, and COACH syndrome 1.68 Here, we report three families with a mutation in TMEM67 that caused Joubert syndrome 6, which is categorized with ID, hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, molar tooth sign, hypotonia, developmental delay, ataxia, and renal problems.
BBSome; BBS7, BBS9, BBS4 BBSome is an octameric complex involved in protein trafficking of the ciliary membrane and non-ciliary functions, including the localization of receptors in the cell membrane.69,70 This complex is essential for the appropriate functioning of astrocytes in the brain. Studies have shown that disruption of BBSome causes defects in primary cilia and affects the morphology and metabolism of neurons in the brain.71,72 Mutations in the subunits of the BBSome complex cause Bardet-Biedl syndrome, categorized with ID, central obesity, hypogonadism, retinal dystrophy, renal problems, and post-axial polydactyly.73,74

TFs, transcription factors; ID, Intellectual disability; TFIID, transcription factor IID; TBP, TATA-binding protein; TAF, TBP-associated factor; RT-PCR, Real-time polymerase chain reaction.

Table 2. Details of the Families with Common ID Genes in our Cohort
Genes and the Categories Chromosomal Variant# OMIM Phenotype Mode of Inheritance Ethnicity of the Families
AP4 complex AP4B1 NC_000001.10:g.114442649dela 614066 AR Persian
NC_000001.10:g.114441425T > Ca
AP4E1 NC_000015.9:g.51242065_51242066insNNc 613744 AR Azeri
AP4M1 NC_000007.13:g.99701748G > Ac 612936 AR Kurd
NC_000007.13:g.99703887A > Cb Persian
NC_000007.13:g.99700491dela Persian
NC_000007.13:g.99703627G > Aa Turkmen
NC_000007.13:g.99701748G > Aa Persian
NC_000007.13:g.99701748G > Aa Persian
AP4S1 NC_000014.8:g.31542174C > Ta 614067 AR Baluch
NC_000014.8:g.31542174C > Ta Persian
ASPM NC_000001.10:g.197111490_197111491delb 608716 AR Baluch
NC_000001.10:g.197070329_197070330dupa Persian
NC_000001.10:g.197070283G > Aa Azeri
NC_000001.10:g.197091611_197091612dela Persian
NC_000001.10:g.197070599_197070600dela Persian
NC_000001.10:g.197115270C > Gd
WDR62 NC_000019.9:g.36575602A > Ga 604317 AR Persian
NC_000019.9:g.36546051G > Ta
NC_000019.9:g.36582182C > Tc
NC_000019.9:36558235G > Ad
C2H2-Zinc Finger ZNF335 NC_000020.10:g.44588870G > Aa 615095 AR Persian
NC_000020.10:g.44578005A > Ca Persian
ZNF526 NC_000019.9:g.42730172G > Cc 619877 AR Baluch
NC_000019.9:g.42729931G > Ac Kurd
ZNF804A NC_000002.11:g.185731147G > Ab ID AR Persian
Exosome complex EXOSC2 NC_000009.11:g.133578439G > Tb 617763 AR Persian
NC_000009.11:g.133578439G > Td Persian
EXOSC3 NC_000009.11:g.37783990T > Gd 614678 AR Persian
NC_000009.11:g.37783990T > Gd Persian
EXOSC5 NC_000019.9:g.41897789G > Aa 619576 AR Persian
General transcription factor IID complex subunits TAF1 NC_000023.10:g.70588006C > Gb 300966 XLR Persian
NC_000023.10:g.70607141A > Ga
TAF2 NC_000008.10:g.120795788A > Gc 615599 AR Persian
NC_000008.10:g.120805628C > Ad Kurd
TAF6 NC_000007.13:g.99711522A > Ga 617126 AR Azeri
VPS13B NC_000008.10:g.100732719dela 216550 AR Persian
NC_000008.10:g.100832347_100832380delinsCa Persian
NC_000008.10:g.100732719dela Persian
NC_000008.10:g.100832269dela Arab
NC_000008.10:g.100568867G > Aa Persian
Steroid 5-alpha reductase family SRD5A3 NC_000004.11:g.56212560G > Ab 612713 AR Persian
NC_000004.11:g.56230382A > Gc Baluch
NC_000004.11:g.56212705_56212706insNc Persian
NC_000004.11:g.56212707dupf Baluch
LARP7 NC_000004.11:g.113575316G > Ca 615071 AR Persian
NC_000004.11:g.113568633C > Tg Persian
NC_000004.11:g.113578402_113578405delg Azeri
NC_000004.11:g.113568536_113568537insNc Turk
Calpains CAPN10 NC_000002.11:g.241530371_241530376insN[15]c 601283 AR Persian
NC_000002.11:g.241528849T > Aa Arab
NC_000002.11:g.241530301C > Ta Persian
CAPN9 NC_000001.10:g.230898426G > Ta ID AR Arab
tRNA methyltransferases TRMT1 NC_000019.9:g.13223781_13223812delc 618302 AR Arab
NC_000019.9:g.13223781_13223812dela Baluch
NC_000019.9:g.13220260_13220261dela Azeri
TRMT10A NC_000004.11:g.100478552G > Ta 616033 AR Persian
DEAD-box helicases DDX3X NC_000023.10:g.41204441T > Ab 300958 XLR Persian
NC_000023.10:g.41203594A > Ga
NC_000023.10:g.41204491C > Ta
DDX50 NC_000010.10:g.70706241_70706264delb ID AR
Kinesins KIF11 NC_000010.10:g.94366083C > Tb 152950 AD Persian
KIF4A NC_000023.10:g.69607097C > Ta 300923 XLR Turk
KIF7 NC_000015.9:g.90185556C > Tc 200990 AR Persian
NC_000015.9:g.90195903T > Cb Arab
L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase L2HGDH NC_000014.8:g.50750723G > Aa 236792 AR Persian
NC_000014.8:g.50734532G > Ac Persian
NC_000014.8:g.50768804A > Td Lur
LINS1 NC_000015.9:g.101114094_101114097dela 614340 AR Persian
NC_000015.9:g.101120983dela Kurd
NC_000015.9:g.101114094_101114097delc Persian
TMEM67 NC_000008.10:g.94792831A > Gb 610688 AR Persian
NC_000008.10:g.94792831A > Ga
NC_000008.10:g.94792831A > Ga
BBSome BBS4 NC_000015.9:g.73002041_73004648dela 615982 AR Persian
BBS7 NC_000004.11:g.122754467_122754472delc 615984 AR
BBS9 NC_000007.13:g.33397608G > Aa 615986 AR

ID, intellectual disability; AR, autosomal recessive; XLR, X-linked recessive; AD, autosomal dominant; NA, not assigned.

# Based on GRCh37(hg19).

a These families were first reported in our previous study.1

b These families were first reported in our previous study.8

c These families were first reported in our previous study.9

d These families were first reported in our previous study.35

e Unpublished data.

f The family was first described in a previous paper.75

g These families were first reported in our previous study.10

Table 3. Genes with a Mutation in Two Unrelated Affected Families
Gene Chromosomal variants# OMIM phenotype Ethnicity of the families
ADGRG1 NC_000016.9:g.57695619C > Tb 606854 Persian
NC_000016.9:g.57695794G > Aa
AHI1 NC_000006.11:g.135778798G > Ac 608629 Persian
NC_000006.11:g.135769570C > Tc
AIMP1 NC_000004.11:g.107258194G > Cb 260600 Persian
NC_000004.11:g.107252964T > Ga
AK1 NC_000009.11:g.130630703C > Ta 612631 Persian
NC_000009.11:g.130634140G > Aa Arab
ALS2 NC_000002.11:g.202569196A > Ga 205100 Persian
NC_000002.11:g.202619225C > Ta Arab
ASNS NC_000007.13:g.97488183A > Cb 615574 Persian
NC_000007.13:g.97498245T > Ca
ATP8A2 NC_000013.10:g.26125642G > Tb 615268 Persian
NC_000013.10:g.26436510G > Ab
ATRX NC_000023.10:g.76855934A > Ga 309580 Persian
NC_000023.10:g.76875953C > Ga
B3GALNT2 NC_000001.10:g.235643447G > Aa 615181 Azeri
NC_000001.10:g.235621957C > Ta Persian
CASK NC_000023.10:g.41416344G > Ca 300422 Arab
NC_000023.10:g.41519706G > Aa Persian
CDK5RAP2 NC_000009.11:g.123201968_123201971delb 604804 Persian
NC_000009.11:g.123253590_123253593dela Baluch
CEP104 NC_000001.10:g.3742330_3742331insAAa 616781 Persian
NC_000001.10:g.3746500dupa Lur
DYM NC_000018.9:g.46889551dela 223800 Persian
NC_000018.9:g.46808420G > Aa
ELP2 NC_000018.9:g.33736538G > Tc 617270 Azeri
NC_000018.9:g.33739953A > Cc Turk
ERLIN2 NC_000008.10:g.37599315_37599677delinsCTGTGa 611225 Azeri
NC_000008.10:g.37595547G > A c Persian
GAMT NC_000019.9:g.1398999dela 612736 Persian
GMPPA NC_000002.11:g.220368858C > Ab 615510 Persian
NC_000002.11:g.220370723G > Aa
IPP NC_000001.10:g.46179920_46185014dela ID Persian
NC_000001.10:g.46182687C > Ta
ITGAV NC_000002.11:g.187541960_187541962dela ID Persian
NC_000002.11:g.187529348G > Aa Arab
MAN1B1 NC_000009.11:g.139995540C > Tc 614202 Persian
NC_000009.11:g.140001735deld Lur
NDST1 NC_000005.9:g.149922489G > Ta 616116 Persian
NC_000005.9:g.149925029G > Ac
NEURL4 NC_000017.10:g.7224505G > Ab ID Persian
ORC1 NC_000001.10:g.52851591G > Aa 224690 Lur
NC_000001.10:g.52850232T > Ca Turkmen
PIDD1 NC_000011.9:g.800015C > Ta ID Persian
NC_000011.9:g.799846G > Aa
PRKCG NC_000019.9:g.54394928_54396645del c 605361 Persian
NC_000019.9:g.54403866G > Tc
PRRT2 NC_000016.9:g.29825024dupa 602066 Kurd
RDH11 NC_000014.8:g.68145040dupa 616108 Persian
NC_000014.8:g.68159744T > Cd Persian
RNASEH2C NC_000011.9:g.65487533G > Ab 610329 Persian
NC_000011.9:g.65487856G > Aa Baluch
RNFT2 NC_000012.11:g.117274037T > Ca ID Persian
NC_000012.11:g.117274037T > Ca
SCAPER NC_000015.9:g.77064235G > Aa 618195 Baluch
NC_000015.9:g.77064240_77064241insNc Persian
SUCLA2 NC_000013.10:g.48528645G > Ab 612073 Kurd
NC_000013.10:g.48562777T > Gb Azeri
SURF1 NC_000009.11:g.136219373A > Gc 220110 Turk
NC_000009.11:g.136218979C > Aa Arab
TSEN54 NC_000017.10:g.73513639G > Tb 610204 Persian
NC_000017.10:g.73513639G > Ta Kurd
TTC5 NC_000014.8:g.20766998dela 619244 Turk
NC_000014.8:g.20774045C > Ta Baluch
TWNK NC_000010.10:g.102748841C > Aa 616138 Persian
NC_000010.10:g.102748841C > Ad Persian
UBE3B NC_000012.11:g.109921396G > Ab 244450 Persian
NC_000012.11:g.109935697T > Ca Arab

ID, intellectual disability.

# Based on GRCh37(hg19).

a These families were first reported in our previous study.1

b These families were first reported in our previous study.8

c These families were first reported in our previous study.9

d Unpublished data.

Comparison of our Study with Seven Studies Reporting ID Cohorts

We compiled two lists of reported ID genes among seven studies from neighboring countries with a high consanguinity rate that included ID cohorts.12-18 This comparison resulted in the Venn diagram depicted in Figure 3. We also extracted repetitive genes (Supplementary File 1, Table S1) embedded in these three lists and compared them by depicting another Venn diagram shown in Figure 4.76 The details of these comparisons are shown in Table 4. For both of these comparisons, copy number variations were excluded.

Figure 3.

Venn Diagram Showing ID Genes Reported in our Cohort and the Pakistani and Arab Groups.

Figure 4.

Venn Diagram Showing Repetitive ID Genes Reported in our Cohort and the Pakistani and Arab Groups.

Table 4. Details of Gene Comparison Between Pakistani and Arab Groups
Cohorts/Number of Genes Our Cohort (Iranian Population) Pakistani Groups Arab Groups
Total number of genes 312 127 358
Number of repetitive genes in total 67 14 57


Based on an epidemiological study of a large Iranian ID cohort, we were able to categorize the most common ID genes into 17 groups (AP4 complex, ASPM, WDR62, C2H2-Zinc fingers, exosome complex genes, General transcription factor IID subunits, VPS13B, SRD5A3, LARP7, calpain genes, tRNA methyltransferases, kinesins, DEAD-box helicases, L2HGDH, LINS1, TMEM67, and BBSome complex genes). Each group was repeatedly reported for at least three families in our cohort. Because of the high consanguinity rate in our population, 87.87% of these genes demonstrated an AR mode of inheritance. The most common syndromic ID in our study was AP4 deficiency syndrome, which was reported in 12 families and the most common non-syndromic ARID gene was ASPM.

For 36 ID genes, we could identify two unrelated families. For several genes, we found two unrelated families with the same mutations. These included families with (NC_000008.10:g.100732719del, p.Phe2293Leufs*24) in VPS13B, families with (NC_000012.11:g.117274037T > C, p.Cys384Arg) in RNFT2,and families with (NC_000019.9:g.1398999del, p.Gly164Alafs*14) in GAMT. In another study in 2015, Rafiq et al reported (p.Phe2293Leufs*24) in two unrelated Pakistani families of Baloch population.77 On the other hand, for the recurrent variant in TMEM67, Dehghani et al found the same mutation among 12 Iranian nuclear families and suggested the variant as a founder mutation in the Iranian population.78 Our study supports this hypothesis and confirms the prioritization of this variant for the diagnosis of Iranian patients with Joubert syndrome. At the same time, more studies are needed to confirm our hypothesis. Studies have shown that the variant of GAMT has been reported frequently in various families from Turkey, Israeli Arabs, Italy, and Iran.1,79-81 It seems that the glycine at position 164 is a highly conserved amino acid, and a mutation at this position is one of the most prevalent alterations in GAMT.

According to HGMD and ClinVar, worldwide epidemiological studies on ARID showed that only a small number of these genes appear to have frequent variant reports, including GALT, VPS13B, ASPM, SPG11, MUT, GLDC, CEP290, POLG, LAMA2, and SMPD1.6 Two of these genes (VPS13B, ASPM) were also frequent in our cohort. In 2018, Jamra6 estimated that because both these syndromic genes have been well-known for a long time, a large number of reports are available. Although these genes have been known for a long time, our cross-sectional data showed a high prevalence of both genes, suggesting that they are two prevalent ARID genes.

The comparison of ID genes between our Iranian cohort, the Pakistani cohort, and Arab cohorts showed that Iran and Arabs have more common genes in comparison to Pakistani cohort. At this stage, we cannot claim that this similarity in ID genes is due to a more similar genetic background between these two groups of people, and more comprehensive studies are needed. We found 14 genes common between the three groups including ADGRG1, AP4M1, AP4S1, ATP8A2, ATRX, FMN2, MAN1B1, MAN2B1, MBOAT7, METTL5, TRAPPC9, TRMT1, VPS13B, and WDR62. The first three genes (AP4M1 and AP4S1 cause AP4 deficiency syndrome and ADGRG1 causes bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria) are repeated among these three groups of people, and they seem to be among the most common ID genes in consanguineous marriages.

Along with much better recognition of the role of genetic factors in ID in recent decades, the gap in epidemiological studies of genetic factors in ID has become more evident, and a large number of genes involved in this phenotype are yet to be discovered. Defining the prevalence of ID-mutated genes in Iran and having accurate statistical data help us make better strategic decisions on genetic and clinical diagnostics of IDs in the Iranian population and prevent the occurrence of such costly disabilities. Due to the large sample size, our data could enhance the design of targeted NGS platforms, mainly population-specific diagnostic tools.

Supplementary Files

Supplementary file 1 contains Table S1. (xlsx)


We are grateful to all patients and families for their participation in this study. This study was supported by Elite Researcher Grant Committee under award number 996149 to Kimia Kahrizi from the National Institute for Medical Research Development (NIMAD), Tehran. Iran.

Competing Interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Ethical Approval

This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Genetics Research Center, at the University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


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Submitted: 19 Nov 2022
Accepted: 25 Feb 2023
First published online: 01 Apr 2023
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Reference Manager Reference Manager

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Refworks Refworks

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Zotero Zotero

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