Arch Iran Med. 2023;26(8): 434-438.
doi: 10.34172/aim.2023.66
PMID: 38301105
PMCID: PMC10685738
Scopus ID: 85178227795
  Abstract View: 773
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Original Article

Clinical Course and Prognosis of Isolated Terminal Ileal Ulcers

Xinjue He 1 ORCID logo, Yue Chen 2 ORCID logo, Xinxin Zhou 1 ORCID logo, Chao Lu 1* ORCID logo

1 Department of Gastroenterology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
2 Department of Cardiology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
*Corresponding Author: Chao Lu, Email: zyyyluchao@zju.edu.cn


Background: Isolated terminal ileal ulcers (ITIUs) may be a clue to hidden intestinal diseases. However, there are no specific guidelines for ITIUs.

Methods: We retrospectively screened subjects undergoing colonoscopy at The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University from March 2014 to July 2019, and included patients with ITIUs in the study. Some patients underwent further examination of the entire small intestine. Subsequently, patients with undetermined ITIUs received empiric therapy or observational follow-up. At least one year after baseline colonoscopy, telephone follow-up was performed to collect prognostic information.

Results: A total of 120 (0.3%) patients undergoing colonoscopy in our center were found with ITIUs. Fourteen patients underwent further examination of the entire small intestine, six of whom were found with additional small bowel ulcers, but it did not significantly help the diagnosis. We obtained follow-up information from 41 undiagnosed patients. Over an average follow-up of 35.4 months, there was no significant difference in the prognosis of patients receiving empiric therapy or observational follow-up. The clinical and endoscopic outcomes improved or remain unchanged in most patients. In logistic regression analysis, gender, age, chief complaint, number of ulcers, and follow-up strategy had no significant impact on prognosis.

Conclusion: Patients with nonspecific ITIUs usually improve without any therapy, and observational follow-up may be a reasonable strategy.

Cite this article as: He X, Chen Y, Zhou X, Lu C. Clinical course and prognosis of isolated terminal ileal ulcers. Arch Iran Med. 2023;26(8):434-438. doi: 10.34172/aim.2023.66
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Submitted: 05 May 2022
Revision: 13 Jun 2022
Accepted: 17 Jul 2022
ePublished: 01 Aug 2023
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