Arch Iran Med. 2018;21(3): 131-133.
PMID: 29688739
Scopus ID: 85064653018
  Abstract View: 2368
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Case Report

Recurrent Pilonidal Sinus Cyst on Penis

Hakan Ercil 1*, Ergun Alma 1, Mehmet Eflatun Deniz 1, Umut Unal 1, Alper Sozutek 2

1 Department of Urology, Ministry of Health, Numune Teaching and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey
2 Department of General Surgery, Ministry of Health, Numune Teaching and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey
*Corresponding Author: Corresponding Author: Hakan Ercil, MD; Department of Urology, Ministry of Health, Numune Teaching and Research Hospital, Adana, Turkey. Tel: +905054308550, Email: hakanercil@yahoo.com


Pilonidal sinus, including one or more sinus canals and hairs, is a disease with a chronic course showing acute attacks which is often encountered in the general population, usually affecting young adults, at a rate in males twice that of females. Pilonidal sinus on the penis is so rare that very few cases have been reported in literature. A 20-year-old male presented to the urology outpatient clinic with the complaint of a suppurative lesion with discharge on the skin of the penis which had been ongoing for approximately three months. Clinical examination revealed an indurated, erythematous, ulcerative lesion, 3 cm x 2 cm in size, in the middle of the ventral aspect of the penile shaft. We present the first case in literature of recurrent pilonidal sinus related to Actinomyces israelii, located on the penis.

Cite this article as: Ercil H, Alma E, Eflatun Deniz M, Unal U, Alper Sozutek A. Recurrent pilonidal sinus cyst on penis. Arch Iran Med. 2018;21(3):131–133.
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Submitted: 22 Jan 2017
Accepted: 30 Dec 2017
ePublished: 01 Mar 2018
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