Arch Iran Med. 2016;19(5): 0.
PMID: 27179161
Scopus ID: 84965038609
  Abstract View: 2332
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Original Article

Combination of Serum Interleukin-1β and 6 Levels in the Diagnosis of Perinatal Asphyxia

Hassan Boskabadi, Gholamali Maamouri, Jalil Tavakkol Afshari, Maryam Zakerihamidi*, Maryam Kalateh Molaee, Fatemeh Bagheri, Mustafa Parizadeh, Majid Ghayour-Mobarhan, Ali Moradi, Gordon A. A. Ferns
*Corresponding Author: Email: maryamzakerihamidi@yahoo.co.nz


BACKGROUND: Perinatal asphyxia is an important cause of death, as well as permanent neurological and developmental complications. Diagnosing in time would lead to better prognosis and applying the most proper treatment. We sought to define the predictive values of serum concentrations of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) in newborns with perinatal asphyxia to see if there is a relation between the short-term neurological deficit and serum IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations.

METHODS: This was a prospective (case-control) study conducted between March 2006 and April 2013, at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Mashhad, Iran. Serum IL-1β and IL-6 levels were measured at birth in 38 consecutive uninfected neonates with perinatal asphyxia (blood pH < 7.2, low Apgar score, signs of fetal distress) and 47 randomly selected healthy newborns. The results were compared between the groups, using Chi-Square, t-tests, and Mann-Whitney tests, as well as receiver operator characteristics (ROC) curves and regression models.
RESULTS: Serum IL-1β and IL-6 concentrations in the infants who developed perinatal asphyxia were significantly higher compared to values in the normal infants [16.88 vs 3.34 pg/mL for IL-1β, (P = 0.006), and 88.15 vs 6.74 pg/ mL for IL-6, (P < 0.001) respectively]. The sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of perinatal asphyxia using serum IL-6 were 80.5% and 81.6% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity using serum IL-1β were 71% and 89.1%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Evaluating serum IL-6 and 1β simultaneously, could improve the sensitivity and specificity of early diagnosis of the perinatal asphyxia. The most appropriate indicator of perinatal asphyxia is combined measurement of interleukin 1β and interleukin 6.
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