Arch Iran Med. 2015;18(9): 0.
PMID: 26317607
Scopus ID: 84940199401
  Abstract View: 2266
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History of Medicine in Iran

The Discourse of Medicine in the Čahār Maqāla (Four Discourses) of Nezami Aruzi of Samarghand

Ahmadreza Afshar*
*Corresponding Author: Email: afshar_ah@yahoo.com


Nezami Aruzi prepared Čahār Maqāla (Four Discourses) as a guide and admonishment for the rulers and kings. The fourth discourse of Čahār Maqāla with 12 anecdotes is devoted to the science of medicine and the characteristics of the physicians. The discourse presents the name of the eminent scientists, physicians, as well as Farsi and Arabic medical books that had professional acceptance in the medieval in Persia. The author has described how medicine was studied in the medieval in Persia and has presented notes on the physiology of the nervous system, pulse, uroscopy, fever, spiritual affairs and medical ethics. The current essay is a brief review of the medical subjects in Čahār Maqāla.

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ePublished: 01 Sep 2015
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