Arch Iran Med. 2015;18(8): 0.
PMID: 26265524
Scopus ID: 84939484718
  Abstract View: 1916
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Case Report

Refractory Hyperlactatemia with Organ Insufficiency in Lipid Storage Myopathy

Yuanda Xu, Weibo Liang, Weiqun He, Xiaoqing Liu, Xiuling Liang, Nanshan Zhong, Yimin Li*
*Corresponding Author: Email: dryiminli@vip.163.com


Lipid storage myopathy is a metabolic disorder characterized by abnormal lipid accumulation in muscle fibers and progressive muscle weakness.

Here, we report the case of a 17-year-old woman with progressive muscle weakness, refractory hyperlactatemia, and multiple organ insufficiency. Severe pneumonia was the initial diagnosis. After anti-infective treatment, fluid resuscitation, and mechanical ventilationو the patient’s symptoms improved but hyperlactatemia and muscle weakness persisted. She was empirically treated with carnitine. Biochemical tests, electromyography, and muscle biopsy confirmed lipid storage myopathy. After 7 weeks of treatment, the patient resumed normal daily life.
An empirical treatment with carnitine may be beneficial for patients before an accurate diagnosis of lipid storage myopathy is made.
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ePublished: 01 Aug 2015
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