Arch Iran Med. 2015;18(6): 0.
PMID: 26058937
Scopus ID: 84930584355
  Abstract View: 2163
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Case Report

Neonatal Testicular Hemangiolymphangioma: A Case Report

Rao Xu, Tie-Mei Shi*, Shou-Jun Liu, Xin-Lu Wang
*Corresponding Author: Email: shitm@sj-hospital.org


A 30-day-old neonate was brought to our hospital due to testicular neoplasm in the right scrotum. Scrotal ultrasonography revealed a mixed cystic and solid mass in the testis. Analysis of testicular tumor markers was negative. Scrotal exploration was performed. A red nodular tumor was removed from the testis by surgery. Histological examination of the specimen showed it to be hemangiolymphangioma (HLA).

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ePublished: 01 Jun 2015
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