Arch Iran Med. 2014;17(12): 0.
PMID: 25481324
Scopus ID: 84916198207
  Abstract View: 2199
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Case Report

Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysm Resection in Transplanted Kidney

Mohammad Ali Amirzargar, Ali Akbar Ilati, Amir Drakhshanfar, Jalal Poorolajal*, Adel Eslami
*Corresponding Author: Email: poorolajal@yahoo.com


In this report, we explain a case of true aneurysm of the internal iliac artery in a previously transplanted kidney, which was reconstructed successfully by interposing saphenous vein graft, using double balloon shunt to prevent renal ischemia as a new approach. The case was a 26 year old female with a 4 × 4 cm aneurysm at the anastomotic site of the transplanted renal artery detected by ultrasonographic evaluation and confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging technique. This rare complication was managed successfully through an open surgical arterial reconstruction using reversed saphenous vein graft. According to our findings, double balloon shunt seems feasible and safe in open surgical repair of transplanted renal artery and internal iliac artery aneurysms and can prevent renal ischemia during reconstruction.

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ePublished: 01 Dec 2014
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