BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of each poisoning and its related death in our center as a sample of Tehran in six consecutive years (2006 to 2011).
METHODS: All poisoned children and adults referring to Loghman-Hakim hospital poison center and hospitalized in the study period were enrolled and evaluated.
RESULTS: In 108,265 patients, the most common causes of poisoning were anti-epileptics and sedative-hypnotics (22.3%). The most common causes of death were pesticides (24.84%) and narcotics (24.75%). In drugs of abuse, opium was more prevalent in the early period of the study but was replaced by methadone later.
CONCLUSION: It seems that national policies for drug control and prevention of suicide have not been efficient enough. We expect to see Iran in the first 50 countries with regard to suicide and to maintain the first place in narcotic abuse if enough attention is not provided.