Arch Iran Med. 2014;17(7): 0.
PMID: 24979558
Scopus ID: 84904165684
  Abstract View: 2463
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Original Article

A Novel Alpha-thalassemia Nonsense Mutation in HBA2: C.382 A > T globin Gene

Mohammad Hamid, Hanieh Bokharaei, Hamid Galehdari, Ali Hossein Saberi, Bijan Kaikhaei, Marziye Mohammadi-Anaei, Ahmad Ahmadzadeh
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In this study, a new alpha globin gene mutation on the α2-globin gene is reported. This mutation resulted in a Lys > stop codon substitution at position 127 which was detected in four individuals (three males and one female). DNA sequencing revealed this mutation in unrelated persons in Khuzestan province, Southwestern Iran of Lor ethnicity. This mutation caused no severe hematological abnormalities in the carriers. From the nature of substituted residues in α2-globin, it is widely expected that this mutation leads to unstable and truncated protein and should be detected in couples at risk for α-thalassemia.

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ePublished: 01 Jul 2014
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