Arch Iran Med. 2014;17(2): 0.
PMID: 24527975
Scopus ID: 84894246980
  Abstract View: 2369
  PDF Download: 1378

Case Report

Reconstruction of Massive Facial Avulsive Injury, Secondary to Animal Bite

Sadrollah Motamed*, Feizollah Niazi, Seyed Mehdi Moosavizadeh, Abdolhamid Gholizade Pasha, Ali Motamed
*Corresponding Author: Email: S_Motamed2006@yahoo.com


Management of facial soft tissue trauma requires complex reconstruction surgery. Animal bite on face is a common cause of facial tissue trauma with severe destruction. Evaluation of unit involvement is the first effort, followed by designation of reconstruction. In this case, we performed multiple reconstruction options.

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ePublished: 01 Feb 2014
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