Arch Iran Med. 2014;17(2): 0.
PMID: 24527971
Scopus ID: 84894257507
  Abstract View: 2696
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Original Article

Stigma and its Determinants among Male Drug Dependents Receiving Methadone Maintenance Treatment

Farnaz Etesam, Fatemeh Assarian*, Hamed Hosseini, Fatemeh Sadat Ghoreishi
*Corresponding Author: Email: fa_assar@yahoo.com


BACKGROUND: The stigma attached to substance use is considered as a barrier to treatment, resulting in continued dependence and harmful consequences for the health of drug abusers and society.
METHODS: In the current study, stigma and its relation with patient characteristics and secrecy was examined in people who were in treatment of drug dependency. Participants were 144 patients from two referral methadone treatment centers who completed a survey containing questionnaires about stigma, secrecy and other measures of drug use.
RESULTS: Patients reported high levels of self-stigma and moderate levels of stigma-related rejection and perceived stigma as well as commonly using secrecy, as a way of coping. More experiencing of self -stigma was associated with unemployment, positive history of IV drug use, incarceration and heroin consumption, compared to opium use. IV drug users and unemployed persons also reported more contacts with stigma- related rejection. No association was found between stigma and previous history of treatment for substance abuse.
CONCLUSION: Findings indicate stigma in individuals who are in the treatment for substance dependence and highlight the need for more studies to clarify all aspects of drug use stigma.

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ePublished: 01 Feb 2014
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