Arch Iran Med. 2012;15(9): 0.
PMID: 22924371
Scopus ID: 84866028252
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Original Article

Fish Consumption in a Sample of People in Bandar Abbas, Iran: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior

Teamur Aghamolaei, Sedigheh Sadat Tavafian*, Abdoulhossain Madani
*Corresponding Author: Email: tavafian@modares.ac.ir


BACKGROUND: This study aimed to apply the conceptual framework of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to explain fish consumption in a sample of people who lived in Bandar Abbass, Iran. We investigated the role of three traditional constructs of TPB that included attitude, social norms, and perceived behavioral control in an effort to characterize the intention to consume fish as well as the behavioral trends that characterize fish consumption.
METHODS: Data were derived from a cross-sectional sample of 321 subjects. Alpha coefficient correlation and linear regression analysis were applied to test the relationships between constructs. The predictors of fish consumption frequency were also evaluated.
RESULTS: Multiple regression analysis revealed that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control significantly predicted intention to eat fish (R2 = 0.54, F = 128.4, P < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis for the intention to eat fish and perceived behavioral control revealed that both factors significantly predicted fish consumption frequency (R2 = 0.58, F = 223.1, P < 0.001).
CONCLUSION:The results indicated that the models fit well with the data. Attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control all had significant positive impacts on behavioral intention. Moreover, both intention and perceived behavioral control could be used to predict the frequency of fish consumption.

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ePublished: 01 Sep 2012
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