Arch Iran Med. 2011;14(3): 215-219.
PMID: 21529117
Scopus ID: 79961179466
  Abstract View: 2969
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History of Medicine in Iran

A Brief History of Tuberculosis in Iran during the 19th and 20th Centuries

Mohammad Hossein Azizi*, Moslem Bahadori
*Corresponding Author: Email:


The history of tuberculosis as a worldwide fatal illness traces back to antiquity, a well-known disease in ancient civilizations. However, its causative agent remained unidentified until the last decades of the 19th century, when discovered by Robert Koch. In due course, preparation of the BCG vaccine, application of the Mantoux intradermal diagnostic tuberculosis test and administration of proper antituberculosis medications eventually controlled tuberculosis. However, despite these significant advancements tuberculosis remained uneradicated, particularly in developing countries after the emergence of both multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV co-infection. Presented here, is a brief review of the history of tuberculosis in the world as well as its historical background in Iran, mainly during the 19th and 20th centuries

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ePublished: 01 May 2011
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