Arch Iran Med. 2017;20(4): 0.
PMID: 28412832
Scopus ID: 85018815449
  Abstract View: 2484
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History of Medicine in Iran

Gondeshapur Revisited; Myth or Reality?

Touraj Nayernouri*
*Corresponding Author: Email: tnayernouri@yahoo.co.uk


In recent years, in European academic circles, there has been a trend to dismiss Gondeshapur as a myth perpetrated by the Bokhtishu family in early Islamic era, despite many historiographical attestations. The writings of Islamic historians such as Al-Qifti and Ibn Abi Usaibia have been discounted as exaggerations by non-contemporary historians, and the lack of primary Pahlavi sources blamed for historical hyperbole.

In this essay, I have attempted to show through primary Syriac Christian texts, that there was both a medical school and a bimarestan in Gondeshapur in pre-Islamic Sassanid era, and that Galenic medical texts had been translated and taught in that institution.
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ePublished: 01 Apr 2017
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