Arch Iran Med. 2016;19(7): 0.
PMID: 27362244
Scopus ID: 84975763665
  Abstract View: 2444
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Original Article

Design and Validation of Real-Time PCR: Quantitative Diagnosis of Common Leishmania Species in Iran

Maryam Fekri Soofi Abadi, Shahriar Dabiri*, Reza Fotouhi Ardakani, Lina Fani Malaki, Sahar Amirpoor Rostami, Mahsa Ziasistani, Donya Dabiri
*Corresponding Author: Email: dabiri12@yahoo.com


OBJECTIVE: Design and validation of Real-time PCR on the protected gene region ITS2 to quantify the parasite load in common leishmania (L) species.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Probe and primer were designed from the ITS2 region between the rRNA genes with minimum gene variation in three common leishmania species followed by a Real-Time PCR using the Taq man probe method in the form of absolute quantification. A series of different concentrations of leishmania were analyzed. After the purified PCR product was successfully placed in a PTG19-T plasmid vector, specialized ITS2 region was cloned in this plasmid. In the last phase, the cloned gene was transferred to the Ecoli.Top10F bacteria. The standard plasmid was provided in 107 to 101 copies/rxn concentrations. The specification and clinical sensitivity of the data was analyzed using inter and intra scales.
RESULTS: The probe and primer were designed using three species, including L. infantum, L. major, and L.tropica. Seven concentrations of purified parasite in culture media showed that the selected region for quantifying the parasite is suitable. Clinical and analytical specificity and sensitivity were both 100%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The Taq man method for the ITS2 region in leishmania is one the most sensitive diagnostic test for identifying the parasite load and is suggested as a tool for fast identification and quantification of species.
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ePublished: 01 Jul 2016
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