Arch Iran Med. 2016;19(6): 426-429.
PMID: 27293059
Scopus ID: 84974822807
  Abstract View: 2403
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Original Article

Platelet Transfusion Outcome and Flow Cytometric Monocyte Phagocytic Assay (FMPA)

Mohammad Sayyadi, Mojgan Shaiegan*, Mahin Nikougoftar Zarif, Mohammad Vaezi, Saeed Mohammadi
*Corresponding Author: Email: M.Shaiegan@ibto.ir


BACKGROUND: This study was designed to evaluate platelet transfusion outcome via flow cytometric monocyte phagocytic assay (FMPA).

METHODS: Fifteen patients with a history of multiple platelet transfusions and fifteen controls were enrolled in this study. CMFDA-labeled platelets were incubated with patients' sera and were finally incubated with monocytes in a tube and analyzed by flow cytometry. Monocytes that phagocytosed platelets were detected as a CMFDA-positive platelet population via monocyte gate. The FMPA results were compared with CCI results for the patients.
RESULTS: The FMPA result correlated with 1-hour (r = -0.885, P = 0.001) and 24-hour (r = -0.884, P = 0.001) CCI. There is a significant difference in means of FMPA results between the patients with immune platelet refractoriness (68.46 ± 10.4%), non-refractory group (37.73 ± 15.21%) and the control group (18.27 ± 2.86%).
CONCLUSION: Our data showed that FMPA has good results in evaluation of platelet transfusion outcome and may be useful as an indicator of platelet transfusion response.
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ePublished: 01 Jun 2016
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